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B. H. Burke Seals the Deal with New Website

BH Burke & Co
BH Burke & Co
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 For B. H. Burke & Co., a Cheshire, CT-based firm that provides business-valuation and consulting assistance to independent insurance agencies and brokerages, experience is everything. 

Being able to show prospective clients their recent projects is the best way for B. H. Burke to show credibility for the two main elements of their business—mergers and acquisitions and operations and technology—so the company was looking for a site that clearly showed their past experience in both categories.

The new website, launched in December, features a custom-designed Recent Engagements tool, divided into Mergers & Acquisitions Transactions and Agency Operations & Technology Projects. Within each section, nine featured tiles show the project, the major parties to the deal, and the role B. H. Burke played.

To learn more about B. H. Burke, visit the new website at