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Boys & Girls Village Launches New Website to Help At-Risk Children & Families

Boys & Girls Village
Boys & Girls Village
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Boys & Girls Village, which provides a variety of services to at-risk children and families in Connecticut, launched a new website.

The existing website was confusing to use and did not offer compelling content for the different audiences Boys & Girls Village serves, so the organization was looking for a new website that was mobile-friendly and offered an intuitive navigation and an improved user experience for all personas.

According to Steven M. Kant, M.D., president & CEO, Boys & Girls Village has been in existence for 76 years, but has undergone a significant shift in its focus over the last decade, moving from a child-welfare organization to a much more sophisticated behavioral health organization focused on at-risk youth. “We’ve really evolved, and we wanted the website to reflect those changes,” said Kant.

“At the same time, we know that if you don’t grab someone’s attention very quickly you’re going to lose them, so we wanted it to be appealing, engaging, and interactive.”

The new website is build in Web Solutions Content Management v4, and features a clean, fresh design, with engaging photography that conveys a positive, uplifting message.

“Web Solutions has always been very easy to work with,” said Kant. “They’re very responsive, and appropriately cautious about cost. The really work with us as partners to find the best and most effective way to get things done.”

For more information, visit