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Brand New Website for CaseyInk

Journalist Maura Casey wrote opinion full-time for more than 25 years. When she left The New York Times editorial page in 2009, she decided to begin her own communications firm, CaseyInk, to help companies, non-profits and individuals write effectively to persuade others to their points of view. Such persuasion comes in many forms: keynote speeches, white papers, written commentary, annual reports, media campaigns – whatever the vehicle, her experience can help make it more effective.

"The website I envisioned would attract work, help me do some teaching, some public speaking, launch a blog and help me build a brand," noted Maura Casey, owner and founder of CaseyInk. "I searched for a creative, responsive company that would design a great website while teaching me how to maintain it so I could update it immediately. Web Solutions went far beyond my expectations. The company designed a beautiful website and added features I never thought about, then gave me the tools to tinker with it. I couldn't be happier with the new website and I look forward to many years of collaboration."

To learn more about CaseyInk, visit the website at!