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ConnCASE Launches Redesigned Website

ConnCASE home page
ConnCASE Homepage
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ConnCASE is a Connecticut-based association with over 200 members dedicated to improving the quality of special education in Connecticut. ConnCASE is a local chapter of the national CASE organization, which supports and champions the needs of exceptional children. 

ConnCase recently redesigned and developed their website to give it a fresh look and feel. The new site has a simple navigation system that allows users to easily find the information that they are looking for. 

"The new website is built on the Web Solutions v3 platform, which makes updating the website incredibly easy," noted Allyson Deckman of ConnCASE. "The new easy-to-navigate site also makes it easy for site users to find the information they are looking for. We look forward to a growing and continued relationship with Web Solutions."

To learn more about ConnCASE, visit their website at