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Connecticut Community Care Gets Some Home Care of its Own

In the past 30 years, Connecticut Community Care, Inc. (CCCI) has helped more than 140,000 elders and individuals with disabilities live safely and independently at home. Now, with the help of Meriden-based Web Solutions, Inc., CCCI has expanded its reach with an interactive Web site that offers a plethora of resources and information at the click of a mouse. The easily-navigated site has been redesigned to engage CCCI’s clients, caregivers, families, in-home service providers and community professionals, who assist the elderly and individuals with disabilities in 124 towns throughout Northwest, North Central and Eastern Connecticut.

“An access agency to the Connecticut Home Care Programs in three out of five regions of the state, CCCI’s mission is to identify choices and provide services to help people of all ages, abilities and incomes to live at home. Thanks to our partnership with Web Solutions to produce this site, we are able to successfully extend our mission to the Internet,” said CCCI President Molly Rees Gavin. “The new site allows us to better deliver on that mission providing us the ability to quickly and easily update and post new information and reinforce our position as the State’s premier and largest care management organization of its kind.”

“The CCCI website was a wonderful opportunity to create something with meaning, something that would help improve the lives of an ever-growing segment of the State’s population,” said Jenna DePutron, marketing/account manager at Web Solutions. “The site is aesthetically pleasing, though its real beauty lies in the organization’s mission. We’re proud to have partnered with Connecticut Community Care, Inc. in building such a valuable tool.”