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Drug Free CT Launches New Website for Opioid Abuse & Treatment Information

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Drug Free CT
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Drug Free CT is a statewide initiative that aims to provide resources and information on opioids, including safe handling, overdose prevention, addiction treatment, and recovery resources.

The site is targeted to those who live or work in Connecticut, but while some of the information on the site is Connecticut-specific, the site is accessible to anyone and a lot of the information is generally useful and relevant for anyone affected by prescription drug misuse and addiction.

Previously, Drug Free CT occupied one page on the website for the state of Connecticut, but the page could only hold a limited amount of content, and content could not be added or changed.

Drug Free CT wanted a new, standalone site with a professional look, user-friendly navigation, and a wealth of helpful content, both on the site and in downloadable form.

Web Solutions built a new website in its Content Management System v4 with an intuitive navigation that lets site visitors easily find what they’re looking for, including information on safe storage and disposal of prescription medication, strategies for overdose prevention, how to get and use Narcan, and where to find help for addiction.

"The newly redesigned website is one of the state’s premier sources of information on substance misuse and addiction including prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery services," said Judith Stonger, vice president of prevention, wellness and recovery at the Wheeler Clinic/Connecticut Clearinghouse. "The website now has a very clean and modern look, while also being very easy for users to navigate and for our staff to maintain."

"Web Solutions is knowledgeable, creative, responsive and fully committed to providing high quality customer service," Stonger said. "This website is a key component of Connecticut’s public awareness campaign on opioids and other substances and we are thrilled with the outcome."

For more information, visit