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New Web Design Springs Into Action for Ultimate NiTi, CT Company

Ultimate NiTi

Web Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of the new Ultimate NiTi Technologies web site!

Ultimate Niti Technologies, Inc., a division of parent company The Ultimate Companies, Inc., is a Bristol-based developer and manufacturer of custom-designed Nickel Titanium applications with over twenty years of experience developing wire and spring solutions for a wide array of industries including medical devices, recreation, and clothing.

Sue Dziura, Marketing Representative of Ultimate NiTi Technologies, explained that the company wanted to redesign their web site “to clearly portray our present strengths [and] business profile. I approached Web Solutions to further our corporate branding through developing a similar ‘look’ to our other division’s web site.”

The new web site, which launched in late March, was designed to provide accessible information about Ultimate NiTi’s services and history. The site represents a focused approach to their capabilities, highlighting the company’s expertise in shape memory alloy consulting, contract manufacturing, and project management.

With an overview of the company's services and certifications, as well as an area devoted to NiTi and Shape Memory Alloy properties, site visitors can readily see the benefit of utilizing Ultimate NiTi Technologies for their next SMA/NiTi project. Users can also watch two short videos which demonstrate Nickel Titanium's flexibility and resiliency.

Dziura stated that the company is “delighted with the new web site! It clearly projects our brand through color, design, and images. It has been received well and is easy to navigate. A key feature to the new web site is the incorporation of Web Solutions’ Content Management System, which allows for edits to nearly all content in an extremely intuitive platform.”

Interested in learning more about NiTi's capabilities in designing and manufacturing Nickel Titanium and other SMA products? Visit their new web site today at