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Quinnipiac River Revival Flows Through the Web

The Quinnipiac River Watershed Association, with the help of Meriden-based Web Solutions, Inc., has launched a new weapon in its 29-year fight to protect one of Connecticut’s greatest natural resources.

Quinnipiac River Watershed Association

Just last month, the QRWA’s new web site took to the web, communicating its message of encouraging communication and collaboration between watershed stakeholders to ensure that existing environmental laws and regulations are enforced, and to influence public policy so that local, state, and federal governments address the need for conservation and protection of Connecticut waterways, wetlands, natural areas, and ground water.

The site was designed as a tool to educate the more than 350,000 people living in contact with the river as it makes its way south to Long Island Sound, about the importance to restore the Quinnipiac for the health and enjoyment of all citizens and communities along its reach, and to educate all students, families, individuals, businesses and governments to be informed stewards of the river.

"Education is the power behind any conservation effort," Said Ginny Chirsky, president of QRWA "In our 29 year history it has been our dream to link every citizen in the watershed, especially children and youth, to the River and the natural world. This bond is crucial to the recovery of the pollution-impaired Quinnipiac, for people will protect what they have grown to love, our new web site will lead our education and volunteer efforts."

"As a company based in one of the river’s many communities, we took great pride in working with an organization so dedicated to its revival," said Jenna DePutron, marketing/account manager at Web Solutions. "We believe that our collaborative efforts produced a site that reflected the river’s natural beauty and captured its great promise."