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Recent Launches

Web Solutions is proud to announce the recent launches of several new websites:

West Hartford, CT - Visit CT Eyes by the Connecticut Association of Optometrists - a comprehensive resource, providing information eye care information and search or browse a directory of CT eye doctors.

Hamden, CTHamden Kids is a website developed for families of our youngest citizens, our preschool children. The Hamden School Readiness Council has committed its efforts to ensuring our children are healthy, ready to start school and are receiving all the services available to them. Visit the site at

Mystic, CT - Michelle Y Drake - professional speaker has been launched to promote Drake's services as consultant and conference speaker. Drake's speaking engagements range from topics of business and team management, business communications, education, women's leadership and life skills.

Michelle Drake is also the founder of The Cove Group which provides management consulting services in the fields of Project Management and Construction, Business Analysis and Advisement, and Personal Coaching.