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Rideshare Launches New Website for Commuter Carpooling Programs

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The Rideshare Company is a nonprofit organization offering programs that make carpooling easy for commuters, and help businesses and organizations reduce parking, provide a competitive employee benefit, and meet sustainability goals by reducing road congestion and energy consumption.

A longtime Web Solutions client, Rideshare had a website built in Web Solutions Content Management System v3, and was looking for an updated site on the latest version of the Web Solutions CMS.

The new site, built in v4 of the CMS, is fully responsive and features a full-width design with a modern look and feel that matches the company’s brand. For easy navigation, the site now has megamenus for Rideshare’s top three programs: easy commute, a fully managed commuter program; easy fleet, a fee-based vehicle fleet management program; and easy green carpools, a service that provides vehicles for carpools.

The site also has more on-page content to help with SEO. New interactive features include a ribbon with rotating carpooling facts, an interactive timeline of the company’s history, and a section on the About page that randomly features three different staff members each time the page loads.

For more information, visit