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Web Solutions Congratulates Hamden Economic Development Corp. on Celebrate CT Award

Web Solutions is proud to congratulate the Hamden Economic Development Corporation (HEDC) on receiving the 2015 Celebrate Connecticut award for its efforts in stimulating job growth, encouraging business development, and improving the quality of life in Connecticut’s communities.

The HEDC was honored as the top economic development organization in the South Central region of Connecticut at the 6th annual Celebrate Connecticut event, held December 2 at the Bushnell Theatre in Hartford. The event honored 23 local organizations throughout the state.

The HEDC is an independent, nonprofit corporation dedicated to redeveloping property, increasing economic opportunities and improving quality of life for the residents of Hamden and surrounding communities. In 2013, Web Solutions developed and launched a new website for the HEDC, designed to showcase its work and provide the community with up-to-date images and news on current, future, and past projects.

The HEDC’s award was doubly special for Web Solutions, since not only is HEDC a client, but Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC) – the host of the Celebrate Connecticut event – is a Web Solutions client as well.

In 2008, Web Solutions developed and launched a new website for CERC, which provides economic development research and marketing services to promote economic growth in the state. The following year, the CERC website won a Silver Award at the 2009 Mercury Awards, held by local chapters of the Public Relations Society of America.

As a longtime member of the Connecticut business community, Web Solutions congratulates both the HEDC and CEDC on their efforts in supporting the growth of business and industry in Connecticut.

To learn more about the HEDC, visit their website at
To learn more about CERC, visit their website at