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Willimantic Invites You to Discover its Downtown

Thread City Development revealed its new website – – at the Capital Theater in Willimantic Monday night to a crowd of business owners and community members looking to revitalize the economy downtown. The website is made possible by a grant through the Connecticut Main Street Program. It features an interactive, user-friendly page that maps out all the businesses and events in the downtown area. People can now see everything that is going on in town online, including where to shop, eat, sight-see and stay in Willimantic.

Local businesses can post events, pictures of past events and, as businesses grow, so will the site. Web Solutions' Andrew Smith revealed the site as it went live, on the big screen, to audience members while pointing out some key features. Program speakers included Thread City Development President Andrew Gutt, Connecticut Main Street Program Community Engagement Director Susan Westa, State Representative Susan Johnson, D-Willimantic, State Senate President Pro Tempore Donald E. Williams Jr., D-Brooklyn, and Windham Mayor Ernest Eldridge.

Article excerpted from the Chronicle, Willimantic, Conn. (Tuesday, November 20, 2012)