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Windsor Adult Ed Offers Online Registration on New Website

Windsor Adult Education
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Windsor Adult Education provides educational programs in English as a Second Language, citizenship, adult basic education, high school completion, and general interest courses to meet the needs and interests of the individual student and the Windsor Community.

Its classes and programs are designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and services that will help them achieve their educational and career goals.

Windsor Adult Education was looking for a new website that was simple but informative and very user-friendly. The main goals for the new site were to increase awareness and enrollments in its programs, streamline record keeping and reduce print material, and offer online registration.

Its previous site offered limited information, no ability to include class photos, and no online registration. Because the lack of easy registration was one of the biggest deterrents to new students, having online registration on the new site was paramount.

Web Solutions developed a clean and colorful new site with a simple navigation, and simple, secure online registration for all of Windsor Adult Education’s general interest courses.

The new registration platform allows users to create their own account and even register friends at the same time.

Students can also opt-in for SMS (text) messaging to be notified of class cancellations, room changes, etc. or receive class-related notifications via email.

Windsor Adult Education is excited to provide current and new adult learners with access to these convenient registration tools.

To learn more about Windsor Adult Education, visit the new website at